
My hair journey has been a wild ride!

I decided recently to step back from being a colorist for a short time and I’m now working at a barbershop in Silverlake.

I’ve had a lot of people asking me… Why!?!?

Doesn’t color pay so much more?!?!

Yes and no. Color CAN pay more. But what I’ve learned is that because of the processing time and the expense of the actual product it doesn’t always.

My prices have increased significantly over the years and needed to increase even more in order to keep up with inflation.

I had started working one on one with clients as opposed to double booking and using assistants. This style of working gave me less stress but was not as profitable.

Couldn’t I just increase my prices?! Yes absolutely. But when running your own business you run the risk of just not getting clients, the confrontation of previous clients complaining and even worse… my own lack of boundaries on not enforcing prices, late cancel fees and generally going above and behind without accounting for that time or expense.

I love analyzing the cost of doing business. It is of course harder when I’m the person in charge of managing the analysis. All things to consider if I ever return to doing color.

So what’s the main reason I decided to focus on haircutting? …


It’s a lot easier for me to book my mens cuts in 1/2 blocks and not try to squeeze them in-between color clients which could have a variable of time that goes over as well.

I can focus on one person at a time. And I always know how long a haircut will take!

What’s the other benefit of being at a barbershop?!…


Running your own independent business can be daunting at the end of the year. I always think I’m making enough money and I’m always blindsides by the amount I owe in taxes. It’s a lot to think about. Being an employee definitely has it’s benefits. Figuratively and literally. Having some one else handle taxes is such a relief. But also the potential for health insurance is a big factor as I get older.

A receptionist!

Having a front desk actually helps immensely when scheduling. And in addition to booking online you can also call the book an appointment as well!

And on a personal note:

It helps me keep a level of separation from work so that I’m not fielding inquiries and calls to book on my time off.

A lot of people consider running your own business as the height of having a hair career. You control your hours and make more money. But you also take on a huge amount of expense and responsibility. I’m happy to take a pay cut so that I can let that go for the time being.

Thank you to everyone for your understanding! I hope to see you all soon!

Fellow Barber Silverlake


Friday 11am-7pm

Saturdays 10am-5pm


Ammonia Free Color