Where is the receptionist?

The big topic of conversation in the salon lately is the fear of artificial intelligence taking our jobs. But I’ve been noticing a lot of businesses lately that are laking some staff and doing things a bit differently already. There are several cafes on my block that don’t take cash and one business that doesn’t have a attendant at all. Instead there’s a kiosk where you can put your own order in and they’ll call your name when it’s ready. I thought this was a bit unusual and then I realized that my own business doesn’t have a receptionist at all.

The lack of contact with a front of house person is replaced by direct contact with your stylist.

I started working as a hairstylist at Westfolk salon in studio city just a couple months ago. After a very long pandemic of being an employee for different salons I was ready to booth rent again and found the cutest little 4 chair salon in the heart of a bustling area of shops. I was tired of the big noisy salon atmosphere and this spot is bright, airy and small. Just a dollop of a space and that’s what I was looking for. There was just one thing, It’s so small that there isn’t room for a receptionist.

Westfolk Salon

A quant 4 chair salon in Studio City California.

After coming back to booth renting I had been introduced to some new ways of business for 1099 employees that stipulated we had to manage our own schedule and take our own payments. I started by making my own website that included a way for clients to book online. Then I set up to take payments via square. Usually a receptionist would be helpful in checking out guests along with taking calls and helping clients make appointments but also directing new clients to who to see and who’s available. But with the checking out process given to individual stylist the need for a receptionist wasn’t as needed.

90% of my clients book online. The remainder can reach me via text, email or even instagram direct messaging.

This is sad of course and a bit scary for some. The lack of contact with a front of house person is replaced by direct contact with your stylist. 90% of my clients book online. The remainder can reach me via text, email or even instagram direct messaging. I even offer virtual consultations and price quotes. A process that could be frustrating for people who didn’t have direct access to a stylist before. In a lot of ways things are simpler than they used to be. It's just new. And new is always seen as scary at first.

A Boutique salon with experienced stylists.

“Just a dollop of a space and that’s what I was looking for.”


Ammonia Free Color

